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Our Commitment to Your Privacy has established the following Privacy Statement to demonstrate our commitment to protecting your privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website:

We at treat your privacy seriously. We established the privacy policy to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding collecting and using the information we collect. We encourage you to read our full privacy policy below:

The information we collected

This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on On some pages, you make requests, register to receive materials, become a member of our website to use our services, and subscribe to our services. The personal information collected on these pages is name, email address, and telephone number.

Website Use Information

Similar to other commercial websites, utilises a standard technology called “cookies” (“What Are Cookies?”). Cookies are the Web server logs to collect information about how our website is used. Information gathered through cookies and Web server logs may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, time spent at our website, and the websites visited just before and just after our website. This information is collected on an aggregate basis. None of this information is associated with you as an individual.

How Do We Use Information We Collect from Cookies?

We use website browser software tools such as cookies and Web server logs to gather information about our website users’ browsing activities to improve our website and better serve our customers. Cookies help us collect important business and technical statistics. The information in the cookies lets us trace the paths followed by users to our website as they move from one page to another. This information assists us in designing and arranging our web pages in the most user-friendly manner and continually improving our website to meet the needs of our customers and prospective customers. Web server logs allow us to count how many people visit our website and evaluate our website’s visitor capacity. We do not use these technologies to capture your email address or any personally identifying information about you.

How Do We Use the Information That You Provide to Us?

Generally speaking, we use personal information to administer our business activities, provide customer service, and make other products and services available to our customers and prospective customers. Occasionally, we may also use the information we collect to notify you about significant changes to our website, new services and special offers that you have opt-in. In addition, we may use the information you provided to:

  • contact you in respect of a query you made
  • provide the services that you require
  • deliver services such as email newsletter (if you have requested them)
  • answer your requests and queries
  • gain an understanding of your needs to provide a better service
  • promote and market our services
  • Fulfil any legal requirements.

We may disclose your personal information to other organisations (for example, our service providers) to enable us to provide the services you have requested or as otherwise permitted by law.

How Do We Protect Your Information? takes reasonable measures (physical, organisational and technological) to safeguard against unauthorised access to your personal information and store your personal information safely. Our site uses a 256-bit encrypted SSL to increase the security of our customer’s information. The connection is encrypted using message authentication as the key exchange mechanism. However, you acknowledge that the internet is not a secure medium, and the privacy of your communications and personal information can never be guaranteed. We may provide aggregate information about our customers, sales, website traffic patterns and related website information to our affiliates or reputable third parties. However, this information will not include personally identifying data, except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.

Links to other websites may contain external links. These will typically be served through our partners, to whom may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve. When you click on any such external links will send you to the other website, which may use cookies and will track the number of referrals sent from this website. This may include cookies, which may be saved on your computer’s hard drive. Users should therefore note they click on external links at their own risk, and we cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Electronic Newsletters and Website Notification

We offer free electronic newsletters and new site (or site update) notifications to our members. gathers the email addresses of users who voluntarily subscribe to these services. Email addresses collected are used for newsletter and website notification purposes only. Consumers may remove themselves from any mailing list by following the instructions at the end of every newsletter or website notification email.

Policy Changes

From time to time, we may make changes to our privacy policy. Visitors to are encouraged to check our privacy policy to stay informed of current privacy guidelines.

Acceptance of Terms

By using the website, you acknowledge your acceptance of this website privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our website. Your continued use of any page following posting changes to these terms will indicate your acceptance of those changes.

Unsubscribe Policy

Users may unsubscribe from our electronic newsletters or site notifications by following the instructions at the end of each newsletter.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy. You are welcome to contact us on Contact Us page.